Saturday 19 April 2014

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Sunday 13 April 2014

Songkran Festival @ Wat Ananda Metyarama Thai Buddhist Temple 2014

Songkran Festival @ Wat Ananda Metyarama Thai Buddhist Temple on 13 April 2014 Sun 1pm.
Songkran literally means 'astrological passage' from the Sanskrit word 'Samkranti'. The Songkran festival is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year's Day from 13-15 April annually. So when you see the monks or any Thai nationals you can wish them- "Sawatdi pi mai" which is a traditional greeting for Happy New Year.
Besides being a New Year celebration, it is also a Buddhist festival. You can go to a temple and pray, tham bun (making merits through good deeds) to the temple and monks etc. You can also chant 'itipiso' 108 times on this day and do transference of merits. Sadhu sadhu sadhu!